Film Projects

Far from Iran

“Lontano dall’Iran”

Niloofar Yamini

Migration has many possible forms and consequences. The reasons leading people to look for a new place to live in can vary profoundly, but nobody finds it easy to assimilate all the profound diversity between one context and the other. Those differences gradually carve a space in the flesh to give a new rhythm to the heart and to change the colors most easily received by the eyes long before the conscious thought begins to give a name to the change in progress. Even more so if migrants are also sensitive people, like these six women practicing different artistic activities; when so, this phenomenon and its unpredictable consequences on one’s way of thinking  and dreams take on extraordinary proportions… So, a difficult principle of dialogue is established between East and West, in a fertile network of mythical references, nostalgic memories and limits to overcome.

Six Iranian women, long resident in Milan and active in the art world, narrate their stories. What does it mean for them to live far away from Iran? Why did they decide to leave their country? Between fears and conquests, the film tells of a group of women who have used the present to rediscover the past.

Sul confine

“On the border” 

Niloofar Yamini

Migration: to stay on the crossroad and to make the choice between going and going. The way of living in vain or to stay on the road. Afghan emigrants who live on the borders of the desert oasis, deprived of water, safety, and identity, dreaming to learn an alphabet to tell their own pain to some savior…

This project was born thanks to an encounter with some Afghani refugees while I was in Iran with the scope to prepare a photo collection that shows the hard reality of people living outside the refugee camps. In specific, the intention was to show how these people live without access to education, alphabetization,  health, any sense of identity as well as how they are deprived of the basic necessities of any human being.

Sul Confine

“On the border”

A short film by Niloofar Yamini


“Three wishes for a lifetime”

A short film by Niloofar Yamini – Anthea Valerani – Sofia Cicala

This documentary talks about a charity center based in Como-Italy, in which many activities have been created in order to help immigrants to integrate into Italian society. The film Ragazzi di Villa Guardia narrates the desires, dreams and future expectations of three refugees of the center: Ahmad, Nazir, and Desmond.
